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My Theme for 2022 ✨-Divine Feminine

My Theme for 2022 ✨-Divine Feminine

In this blog I share some of the words, feelings and ways of being that I will be enthusing into all areas of my life to create and feel more happiness, more love and more success this year. Out with the old masculine hustle energy and in with the divine feminine energy of flow & intuition instead.

Today I felt really guided to share my Theme for 2022, and some of the words that are going to lead me through the year.

I no longer make new year resolutions, I haven’t for many years, mainly because they don’t really work (ask me if you want to know more about that one). What I have learnt to do instead is set intentions & connect to my desires for the year ahead, and focus on the way I want to feel and how I can integrate that into my life.

Releasing the old

In December I did a releasing ceremonial ritual to let go of what had not been serving me in 2021; for me it was a lot of hustle energy, fear of the future and thinking too much about success & business. It felt like such a huge release; the ceremony was so powerful and really helped me to close the chapter to that way of existing. It also allowed me to then make space and hear what I really desired for 2022.

Bringing in my theme for 2022

And so I did another ceremony at the start of 2022, but this time to get clarity on what I want; goals, desires, feelings, and also create a plan (a very feminine one this year of course) around creating it.

What I felt, more than ever, was the need, and desire to come back into my body; meaning out of my head and into my heart. To be able to hear my own intuition and wisdom, and actually listen to it. To make my decisions based on what my gut (i.e intuition and heart said, rather than my fears, doubts, worries etc.)

To be able to be present, in the here and the now, more than ever too. To see the beauty of what’s around me, to experience more pleasure, more creativity and ultimately more happiness & love.

So I came to my theme for the year: Divine Feminine. Now many of you may be familiar with the qualities of the divine feminine, and some of you not so much. So I will sum up some of the words (most of the above actually) that describes traits of the divine feminine that I will be following this year and enthusing into every day and area of my life. And it is something I will connect to on a daily bases to remind me to do so.

Here is a short list of some of the divine feminine qualities that really resonate with me. I will write another blog post with more detail on what the divine feminine exactly is, and how it differs to masculine energy. If this is something you are interested in, please comment or send me a message so that I know. And, as a side note, when we talk about feminine and masculine we are not referring to genders, it is an energy that you feel, and live out. But for now, here are some of the divine feminine qualities that will be leading me through 2022.

Divine Feminine Qualities:

  • Pleasure- By slowing down in moments I will be able to experience more pleasure (joyful sensations) and look for ways to experience pleasure in my life (remember pleasure is not simply sexual). Enthusing pleasure into my work, into my health routine, into my daily life etc. Asking myself how can I experience and make each moment or experience more pleasurable.

  • Intuition-Connecting to my intuition and gut will allow me to hear what is right for me, what I desire and make the decisions from that place, instead of my monkey mind.

  • Sensuality-Using my senses more in any given moment will not only allow me to experience more pleasure; in eating, in having a shower, in what i am wearing, in cooking, on my daily walks but also allow me to connect to feeling sensual at any given time too.

  • Beauty-To allow myself to feel more beautiful, to give myself what I desire to feel beautiful; whether that be lipstick, chunky earnings or having a silk dress on. And to see the beauty that exists all around me throughout the day.

  • Creativity-Bringing more creativity into my daily life, both in work and pleasure.

  • Play-Allowing myself to be silly, to dance, to goof around and not always be serious.

  • Confidence-For me this is about putting my crown on and feeling, being and creating from the energy of a Queen-knowing her worth and knowing she is the prize.

  • Flow-Releasing the hustle energy, and allowing all of the above to guide me rather that constantly climbing a mountain. Tuning into my body and heart and taking small steps at a time.

  • Surrender- Trusting more in myself and more in the universe too.

  • Ease-A little like flow, allowing things to be and feel more easy, and therefore creating, manifesting or doing in more aligned ways while also being open to receiving (support, love, abundance).

  • Heart-led-This is so important to me, and that is connecting to my heart throughout the day to not just check in on how I am feeling but making decisions and taking action from love rather than the mind.

So these are just some of the qualities of the divine feminine and this year it’s about really embodying them and bringing these qualities into my business, my health, my relationships, and my life. And I feel so excited to do things differently. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not an over night process, it’s something that I really became aware of last year and this year will be about implementing it and allowing it all to become a part of me and the way I live.

No more living from the mind, no more hustle, no more anxieties, worries or fear of the future, simply living and creating from the space of my wonderfully nourishing Divine Feminine.

Are you stuck in your head? Or the masculine energy of discipline, hustle, plan, strategy and structure? I was, and it felt so un-nourishing (not sure that’s a word!). Many women of the 21st century are using too much of their masculine energy and it can be really really depleting. We see overwhelm, exhaustion, guilt, among other unhelpful emotions because we are too focused on using our masculine energy to live.

Brining in qualities of the divine feminine feels so good, so much more joyful, easy and so aligned with me, that I am so happy to be doing things differently this year; with ease, with flow, with intuition, with trust, with heart, with pleasure and play.

I would love to know what your theme is this year? How would you like to feel or be as you move through 2022? And if you resonate with my theme I really would love to know and how you will be implementing it.

If you want the first step in connecting to these qualities click here for some complimentary resources.

And for those of you who want to learn how to get back into your body and heart you can watch this video here.

Sending waves of love. May 2022 be your year.

P.s If you are interested in knowing more about living from your Divine Feminine just ask I would be more than happy to share. You can simply comment or contact me here.